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Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:06 am
by morpheus
Hi there,
I have an issue ... ;-(

Yesterday, one of the 8 installed HR92 installed at home, in the bathroom, had the display backlight ON, which never happened before.
I tried to enter the menu (long press menu button) then navigate in it, but the behavior is very strange ... instead of passing from parameter to parameter, it automatically goes INTO the parameter value without I press the menu button to adapt.

So basically you can't really set the values you want in each parameter because at the moment you think you set a value for parameter x, the next parameter y is selected ...
(I found out the "backlight" parameter was also set to 1, reason why the display light was ON.

I am thinking about either a menu bug after an update of the HR92 version (but does it update versions automatically ???) OR as this HR92 is in a bathroom, some sort of corrosion below the menu button.
Obviously I was not able to find a reset button - that needs to be done through parameter 12 of the menu .... which I can't set to "1"


Have you already heard about this and any suggestion ?
My only option for the time being is buy a new unit

Many thanks !!!

Re: Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:59 pm
by Somebody
Remove the HR92 from the bathroom, then remove the batteries. Wait 20 minutes then re-assemble, put back on and see if it corrects itself?

Re: Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:51 pm
by morpheus
No way

I have dis-assembled the unit and the is a small piece of plastic of like 2.5cm x 1cm (including an embedded button) between the white outside plastic menu button and the pcb board.

I think there is a bad contact at that location ...
It is really weird because I usually never used that button ...

I have ordered a new.unit for 75 euros

Re: Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 3:12 pm
by morpheus
I am wondering if we could ordre the plastic frame or plastic button because I am 100% sure the PCB board is still ok and it is just a bad contact between the plastic stuff and the PCB ...

Re: Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:02 am
by Richard
HR92 Radiator Controllers in bathrooms are not ideal. They get damp and battery contacts/PCB corrodes from the moisture etc.

Personally I would leave them open circuit or with a manual TRV head.

Re: Evohome HR92 menu "bugging" - button issue ?

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:30 am
by morpheus
I bought a new one.
I have the feeling like the issue is really with the plastic button and not with the electronical components in humidity room though