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Do I need one or two boiler relays?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:06 pm
by andrew1978
I am wanting to know if I need 2 BRD91 or just one. Currently have combi boiler and 6 zones all with Honeywell Evo home radiator valves. All works great and has done for a while.

I want to add in a single room with UFH. This involves normal two port valve and pump addition. Will the current BRD 91 be able to control the radiator valves and turn in the pump and valve at same time. I plan to use the evohome controller as the thermostat in the room with UFH.

Or is it better to get an another BRD91 and have that to turn on pump and 2 port valve at same time, thus controlling the UFH and leave the current brd91 to do the radiators ?

Lastly the room with the new UFH is the old garage and also houses the boiler. The controller has always been in the other room more in the middle of the house. I have thick stone walls the signal can be weak. As I am wanting to use the evohome controller as the thermostat in the room with the weakest signal but houses the boiler is it better if I get a new BRD91 and evo home controller and put it in the UFH room just to control the ufh? can I then bind this the current combi and have two BRD91 and two eco home controllers connect to one boiler ?