Multiple zone failures

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Multiple zone failures

Post by Alastair54 »

My evohome system has been up and running for a number of years without major drama. This morning I noticed on my display unit/controller that seven of my twelve zones were displaying the hourglass symbol in place of the zone temperature. Now, normally I would make a bee-line for the individual zone valve and replace the batteries, but in this case with seven zones suddenly not communicating it did not seem logical that the batteries in all these zone valves had simultaneously died. The fault log was empty and nothing obvious had changed overnight. Long story short, after many hours of faffing around, including battery changes in the valves and a full factory reset of the controller, I’m stumped! The only clue was, after the factory reset, I was able to rebind the valves and get ten of the twelve zones up and running. Just when I thought I was on the home run, the dreaded hourglass appeared again on the majority of my zones! After removing the batteries from all the failed valves and manually closing them to conserve gas, I am leaving things as they are until I get some answers. So my questions are: anyone seen this before? How did you resolve? Is there firmware within the controller that can be refreshed? Needless to say, I am loath to purchase a new controller just to prove that it ain’t broken.
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Re: Multiple zone failures

Post by lloyd »

Do you have a DHW kit? If so, check the batteries in the temperature sensor transmitter (CS92). When they get low they are known to cause all manner of havoc.
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