Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi & OpenTherm Bridge

Anything to do with OpenTherm and Honeywell Home products in here! *PLEASE NOTE* Official Resideo technical support is on 0300 130 1299.
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Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi & OpenTherm Bridge

Post by Richard »

Hi Guys,

I had a customer on the phone today with an Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi saying he had just fitted an OpenTherm Bridge and now evohome didn't work. His installer had spoken to Ideal Boilers first and then they passed him to Honeywell Home Tech Support and they implied the OpenTherm Bridge we had supplied was faulty and he asked if could he return it for a refund... :oops:

I asked what tests had been performed by Ideal and Honeywell to verify this and he said none... it's just what he had been told! :roll:

Luckily his electrician/installer was still on site, who was the one who had spoken to both Ideal and Honeywell and I got the chance to speak to him... :geek:

So, after a quick chat it soon become evident that even the basic OpenTherm tests on the boiler had not been performed by either Ideal or Honeywell... :oops:

The test is really simple... Just attach a piece of wire between the two OpenTherm terminals on the boiler (literally bridge the connection out)... Does the boiler fire? 'Yes' means OpenTherm is working and 'No' means its not... The answer he gave was 'No'! :?

So it's a boiler problem I stated to the electrician... What exactly have you done to the boiler?

"OK, so I've removed the front fascia, removed the link, removed the connector from behind the fascia, attached this to the connector coming from the OpenTherm terminal and removed the link wire." He states.

Looking at the instructions for this boiler, it's really not brilliantly clear on Page 32 & 33 what should be done... ... vicing.pdf
opentherm-explaination.JPG (67.49 KiB) Viewed 546 times
opentherm-explaination-image.JPG (53.29 KiB) Viewed 546 times
So reading the sentence over and over and comparing it to others on the page, nowhere does it say 'Remove the link wire from the room stat/timer plug' like it does on the others.

"Did you say you have removed the link wire from the 'room stat/timer' connector?" I ask... :?

"Yes, why was I supposed to leave it in?" :roll:

So the link wire gets replaced and the electrician tries the OpenTherm terminals with his link wire again... 'Yep, the boiler has fired mate!' was music to my ears... :lol:

"Right try the OpenTherm Bridge again and if you have any further problems give me a call back."

So far I haven't heard anything... 8-)

This is really why we specialise in Honeywell evohome... The irony is that the phone call started with the item we supplied being 'faulty' because Ideal boilers and Honeywell said it was... :cry: :roll: :?

I hope this post helps someone else with an Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi... Honeywell products are very reliable... Sadly manufacturers technical support is not! :geek:


Richard 8-)
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Re: Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi & OpenTherm Bridge

Post by jamesbond0007 »


Thanks for this, I am moving into a new home with this boiler and I could't find the info.
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Re: Ideal Logic ESP1 Combi & OpenTherm Bridge

Post by Richard »

jamesbond0007 wrote:Hey,

Thanks for this, I am moving into a new home with this boiler and I could't find the info.
No problem... 8-)
Home: 2012 Built Oak & Timber Frame Home (EPC Score 95 - A Rated)
Renewable Tech: GSHP, Solar Thermal, Solar PV & 20kWh Battery Storage
Smart Home Platform: Home Assistant, Shelly & Salus Smart Home
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